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Many people are familiar with the idea of angel investors from the television show Shark Tank. As the show portrays, angels provide their money, effort, and experience to help new businesses grow. Many of the most successful businesses in American history got off the ground with the help of angel investors.
Angel investment is crucial to the economy, but there are storm clouds in Washington. Democrats are proposing to sharply raise capital gains taxes. If applied to startup investing, that would kill incentives for angels and starve cash from the virtuous cycle in technology hubs of successful investors and entrepreneurs generating wealth and then plowing it back into new businesses.
U.S. angel investment was $25 billion in 2020.27 Angels invested in 64,480 companies, with an average investment of $392,025.28 That year, 36 percent of U.S. angel investment went to health care and biotechnology, 23 percent to software, and most of the rest to energy, financial services, and retail.
We do not have great data, but it appears that angels overall earn positive returns. A 2007 analysis by Robert Wiltbank and Warren Boeker examined returns on 1,137 angel investments.51 They found that 52 percent produced losses, while the best 7 percent produced 75 percent of the overall returns. A 2017 analysis by Wiltbank and Wade Brooks examined returns on 245 angel investments.52 They found that 70 percent lost money, while 10 percent produced 85 percent of the overall returns. The overall average gross rate of return across investments was 22 percent.
Another result from the Wiltbank and Brooks study needs stressing. The average holding period for angel investments they studied was 4.5 years, but the exits on the biggest successes often took about 10 years. The rare big wins from angel investment often take a decade of effort to pay off.
Angel investment has changed in recent decades. Because of the high risks, the more investments an angel makes, the more likely they will earn positive returns overall. For that reason, angel investment has become more networked and structured. About 400 regional angel groups have been formed across the United States to make joint investments, up from just 10 such groups in the 1990s.55
George Eastman was a bank clerk in the 1880s, and in his spare time experimented with photography. He quit his job and launched a photography company in 1888 with a $6,000 angel investment from Henry Strong, who had gained wealth by making buggy whips.68 The startup became Eastman Kodak, which revolutionized photography in the 20th century by simplifying the process and cutting prices.
Wealthy individuals have long played a central role in funding entrepreneurs. Historically, many entrepreneurs had needs for capital that were not met by financial institutions such as banks and stock exchanges. Instead, entrepreneurs sought funding from wealthy people who were willing to share the risks of launching a new venture. During the Industrial Revolution, wealthy merchants were often angel investors.
Angel investors come in all types. Some are individuals who take a chance on opportunities they happen to come across, while others are superangels who expertly screen and analyze opportunities and invest in dozens of startups.
Ian McGlinn is the first type. He is the angel who helped Anita Roddick launch the retail chain Body Shop. Roddick opened Body Shop as a single location in Brighton, England, in 1976. The next year she wanted to open a second location, but was turned down for a loan by numerous banks. McGlinn was a friend of a friend and a local business owner, and he took a chance and invested £4,000 (about $8,000 at the time) with Roddick for an equity stake.96 That was the beginning of a great success, as Body Shop expanded to thousands of locations across the globe.
The development of the technologies that enabled the two firms to respond quickly to the crisis was a product of scientific advances and large private investments over many years. Governments funded some of the research underlying the vaccines, and during the pandemic it funded production and distribution, but wealthy angels and venture capitalists played the crucial roles in the growth of the two companies.
Jeff Bezos is the wealthiest person in America, with a fortune of about $180 billion, which consists mainly of his part ownership of Amazon. Bezos is a serial entrepreneur and angel investor. He invested $250,000 in Google as a startup in 1998, and he was an angel investor in Uber, Airbnb, and Twitter. These days, Bezos invests in startups in biotechnology, software, media, vertical farming, fintech, and space travel.146 He also gives to nonprofit ventures in education, health care, renewable energy, homeless assistance, and veterans.
The race between Branson, Bezos, and Elon Musk to develop private space flight and space tourism illustrates the unique role of wealthy angels in supporting risky innovations. Branson put hundreds of millions of dollars into Virgin Galactic before the company went public in 2019.147 The company also attracted a $100 million angel investment from former Facebook executive Chamath Palihapitiya. Bezos pumps a $1 billion a year of his wealth into his space company Blue Origin.148 Musk launched SpaceX in 2002 and, in the first few years, pumped in about $100 million of his own money.149 The company has gone on to raise more than $6 billion in private capital.150
Whether Cleveland or Detroit 120 years ago, or Silicon Valley today, technology hubs do not just include networks of entrepreneurs and engineers. They also include wealthy and experienced angel investors who are eager to take on the risks of helping new ventures get off the ground.
IBM dominated the mainframe computer market in the 1960s and 1970s but was slow to recognize the shift to minicomputers, which were pioneered by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) and other new firms. Then both mainframe and minicomputer firms initially missed the shift to personal computers pioneered by Apple and other startups in the late 1970s. Then Apple and IBM initially missed the shift to portable computers pioneered by Compaq in the 1980s. DEC, Apple, and Compaq were funded variously by angels and venture capitalists.
The pattern of disruptive innovations continues today. Ridesharing was pioneered by startup Uber, not existing taxi companies. Uber was founded in 2009 by Garrett Camp and Travis Kalanik. Camp put $220,000 into Uber, which he had earned from building StumbleUpon, a social networking site.196 Other angels and VCs kicked in $1.6 million to Uber at an early stage.197 Uber has about 100 million users today.
Finally, startups have numbers on their side. Many new firms pursuing different paths are more likely to stumble upon breakthroughs than a few big firms or government agencies. This is one reason why the funding that startups receive from a vast diversity of 335,000 angels provides strength to the U.S. economy.
Angel investment occurs within a complex regulatory environment. The federal government imposes rules on private investment in startups, and it imposes regulatory burdens on public companies that can make it more difficult for angels to exit investments. Some investment rules have been liberalized in recent years, but further reforms are needed.
Crowdfunding does not replace traditional angel investment. As discussed, wealthy angels provide not just funding, but also mentoring and networking support for entrepreneurs. Also, crowdfunding has downsides, such as opening a startup to negative publicity from small investors if things do not go as planned. Nonetheless, crowdfunding is a useful addition to funding options for entrepreneurs.
Venture capital investment boomed after these reforms, quadrupling between 1980 and 1983 and continuing to grow after that.284 The volume of angel investment during that period is unknown, but the capital gains tax cut would have increased angel investment incentives in parallel with VC incentives. That era saw flows of angel and VC investment into technology companies that reshaped the U.S. economy, such as Apple Computer, Compaq, Adobe, and Genentech.
Studies on the investment effects of capital gains taxes focus on venture capital rather than angel investment because we have much better data on VC. But the negative effects of higher taxes would be at least as strong on angel investment as on VC.
Tax code Section 1244 is also important for angels. Since most investments in startups fail, the tax treatment of investment losses is important. Usually, taxpayers are only allowed to deduct net capital losses up to $3,000 against ordinary income annually, but Section 1244 allows for up to $50,000 annually in losses on qualified small business stock to be applied against ordinary income. The Section 1244 benefits are restricted to the same qualified businesses as Section 1202.
This study examined the important role played by wealthy individuals in providing funding and guidance to startup businesses. With their independent pools of capital, angel investors support a large variety of promising startups that explore new goods, services, and technologies that existing businesses overlook. Many of the greatest successes in U.S. business history got off the ground with the help of wealthy angel investors.
Richard Hell: Destiny Street Repaired ( the backing tracks from the excellent 1982 album, whichHell disdains for murky reasons that may have to do with who owns it,while adding new guitar solos and new lead vocals, this offended me byexpunging from the public record a major chunk of the late, nonpareil,under-recorded Robert Quine's tiny cache of rock solos. But Hell the59-year-old arts professional renders the yelping anxiety of Hell the31-year-old punk junkie with such sympathy it's hard to know who's whosometimes, and Marc Ribot, who doesn't record enough rock soloshimself, is the nearest parallel to Quine extant. The original album,selling online as I write for $38 used and $153 new in CD form, soundsbetter than ever. I'm glad to own it and probably wouldn't buyboth. But this is its own reward.A MINUS 2b1af7f3a8