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Unlimited Redemption has bottles and can return centers at more than 11 locations in New York State. You can check location bottle can return center Albany, Bottle can return center Coxsackie, Bottle can return center Wynantskill, Bottle can return center Amsterdam, Bottle can return center Saugerties, Bottle can return center Kingston by visiting We offer redemption for glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminum cans (with NY 5 cents or NY 5¢ labels). You can visit recycle counters at your nearest Beer Universe Store.
Unlimited Redemption has bottles and can return centers at more than 11 locations in New York State. You can check location Bottle can return center Schenectady Union, Bottle can return center Schenectady Kelton, Bottle can return center Troy hoosick, Bottle can return center Troy 5th Ave, Bottle can return center Troy Northern by visiting We offer redemption for glass bottles, plastic bottles, aluminum cans (with NY 5 cents or NY 5¢ labels). You can visit recycle counters at your nearest Beer Universe Store.