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ASHRAE Standard 170-2007 is the latest edition of the standard, which reflects the most current ASTM F793 and IEEE 1107-2007 recommendations on refrigerants. All IEEE standards bear the IEEE copyright symbol, which denotes that copyright to the IEEE standard is held by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc. This symbol is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the IEEE.
ASHRAE Standard 170-2007 updates and enhances the earlier standard. It provides guidelines for refrigerants used in heating, cooling, and process ventilation systems. It specifies acceptable levels of contaminants (purity requirements) for the specific refrigerants covered by the standard.
ASHRAE Standard 170-2007 promotes coherence among the manufacturer’s product certification program (specific refrigerant), facility certification program (specific building space), and refrigerant community enterprise reference (RCE) standards (which collectively are referred to in this standard as the ‘refrigerant program’). This promotes consistency, efficiency, and accuracy in refrigerant delivery and use.
ASHRAE Standard 170-2007 defines standards for refrigerants used in heating, air conditioning, and cooling systems, regardless of source. It reflects the most current ASTM F793 and IEEE 1107-2007 recommendations. It is intended to replace the earlier ASTM F693 standard. To effect this change, ASHRAE has added several 114th edition standards into the 170-2007 standard.
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