Exeoutput For PHP 1.7 16
Exeoutput For PHP 1.7 16 ->->->-> https://urlin.us/2tagYC
I try to run my consol app on windows server 2016, and an error massage appeared.An error occured while loading the PHP runtime: in most cases, it is due to the lack of a required component on your computer. To run this application, you must first install the component. Exception: Could not load PHP DLL in memory.My app use php 5.4, and created exeoutput 2.2.1. I installed c++ 2008 sp1 (x86), c++ 2010 (x86), c++ 2012 (x86) to the server.My other app created exeoutput 1.7 and use php 5.2 running correctly.Could someone help, what is needed to run this app.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37380045/php-dll-not-found-after-upgrade-php-5-6-0-to-5-4-2-on-w…tag:ask.metafilter.com,2016:site.280253Mon, 05 Nov 2016 10:46:45 -0800Bob DylanBy: kvb101http://ask.metafilter.com/280253/No-more-C-DLL-Failed-to-Load-The-PHP-Runtime-into-the-Framework#2910692
You need a windows server 2016?
I also tried to install the PHPSP from the app pool php, but I still have the same error. I tried to reinstall the php_interbase.dll but I have the same error. When I remove the dll php_interbase.dll, the app becomes work. But I cannot run the app.
I created a new windows server 2016 instance, and a new php 5.6 instance. I created a new app pool, and put there a dll of PHP 5.6. After running the app pool, I cannot run the app. I got an error message:
En estos tiempos de incertidumbre sobre la autonomia local, el Gobierno colombiano la uso en su defensa. Bastaría con sugerir que los objetivos del Plan Vctimas eran, a la larga, otros que los que postulan sus defensores. Es decir, que busca una solución a los conflictos, mediante la Autonomia Local. Y ello con una finalidad no tan ni tan solo, sino fundamentalmente, financiera, pues el Plan Vctimas pretendia el desarrollo econonmico del territorio colombiano.
Se trata de un plan de financiar las entidades vctimas, del mismo modo que el Gobierno del Estado central decide subsidiar al mismo tiempo a las entidades estatales. Como se sabe, los planes de financiar a las entidades vctimas son, por lo general, programas de Fomento y Desarrollo (PFD). Es decir, una forma de intervenir en la forma en que se gestiona el dinero pblico. 827ec27edc