In Fallout 76, magazines are a unique collectible that can enhance gameplay by providing temporary bonuses. Unlike previous Fallout games, these magazines do not offer permanent benefits but instead grant effects for an hour after consumption. The magazines can be found in various locations across Appalachia, and while some locations are fixed, the specific magazine that spawns is often random. Here's a guide to help you find these valuable collectibles.
Magazine Effects
Magazines in Fallout 76 offer a variety of effects, such as increased damage with specific weapons or improved survival skills. Some notable magazines include:
Backwoodsman 2: +25% Tomahawk Damage
Live & Love 4: +10% AP Regen When in a Team
Unstoppables 4: +30% Chance to Avoid Melee Damage
Magazine Locations
Here are some key locations where magazines can be found:
Toxic Valley
Wavy Willard's Water Park: Head into the maintenance tunnel near the main large gator. Magazines may spawn near the fusion core generator.
Savage Divide
Twin Lakes: Search the north end of Twin Lakes, where a skeleton sunbathing on a towel might have a magazine nearby.
The Mire
Treetops: Climb to the top of the treehouse, often guarded by elite monsters, and check the dresser next to a red birdhouse.
Cranberry Bog
Appalachian Antiques: Behind the antique barn-like store, check the smaller shed out back for a magazine.
Forward Station Alpha: In one of the tents, a magazine might be on a bed bunk.
In addition to magazines, Fallout 76 items such as legendary gear and resources play a crucial role in enhancing gameplay by providing stronger equipment and better crafting capabilities. These items, often found in similar locations to magazines, can be pivotal in overcoming challenges and improving survival rates throughout Appalachia.
Other Locations
Vault 76: On the bedside computer table, but can be easily missed.
Twin Pine Cabins: Between two metal barrels at the entrance corner of a cabin with a green trunk.
Landview Lighthouse: One magazine is on a picnic table south of the lighthouse, and another is inside the lightkeeper's house on the dining table.
Alpine River Cabins: Two magazines can be found here, one on a bunk bed and another in a treehouse.
Bolton Greens: On the service counter inside the main building.
Camp Adams: Behind one of the cabins.
Camp McClintock: On a counter inside one of the buildings.
Clancy Manor: Behind a couch.
Lewis and Sons Farming Supply: Inside a shack on the back side of the property.
Morgantown Airport: On a desk at the top of the stairs.
Overlooked Cabin: Inside the cabin.
White Springs Golf Club: In a closet and under a bathroom sink.
Tiger Water Treatment: Next to a radio on a table.
Tyler County Fairgrounds: Inside a porta-potty.
Mountainside Bed and Breakfast: Inside a car or in a room upstairs.
Thunder Mountain Substation TM-03: On the floor near a counter.
Shenandoah Visitor Center: In the male restroom and on a shelf in the visitor center.
Tips for Finding Magazines
Explore Thoroughly: Magazines can be hidden in plain sight or in hard-to-reach areas.
Use Mods: For PC players, mods that make magazines glow can be very helpful.
Check Often: Magazines can respawn after a server reset, so revisit locations periodically.
Join a Server with Few Players: This can increase your chances of finding magazines before others do.
By following this guide and exploring Appalachia thoroughly, you can enhance your gameplay experience with the temporary benefits provided by these magazines. Happy hunting!