__HOT__ Crack Para Rome Total War Barbarian Invasion
Click Here https://urllie.com/2t7UpW
Iv never posted before im hoping someone can help me. I have enjoyed playing lotrtw for years but i have played it to death. Seeing this mod got me all excited but when trying to launch the splash screen pops up for a minute then a script error box appears saying... "Script error in bi/fatw/data/settlement_plans/4a_barb_large_city.txt, at line 6, column 14". Also it says File Data/....underlays/barbarian_large_city_underlay.CAS does not exist. I am using original cd's for both rtw and bi expansion. I am running win7 and in order to play rtw i had i DL a crack as it wouldn't run on original launcher ( I believe this is something to do with running on win7) If anyone can help i would much appreciate it.
This mod is brilliant. I am terrible at things like mods and this is the first I have ever installed. My hats off to those that worked on it and my grateful appreciation.I have had it crash to desktop a few times, but I had this with rome and put it down to that white elephant known as VISTA (bah!).I'm not going to criticise as it's free and beautiful, but I have had an issue with Corsair ships joining land units and crashing the game in detailed battle (ok in quick battle) and being unable to attack at sea as they are classed as land units!Question: Are there any instructions, such as taking Frodo on a route or Aragorn or time limits etc? E.g. Frod lost the One ring - what is the significance of such in game statements.Many thanks.No, thank you again. May have to read the book again.If you got this out as a retail game all debugged etc, it would be above Empire: total War on my shopping list. 2b1af7f3a8