Nuclear Physics: Exploring The Heart Of Matter
Experimentalists and theorists also work together at the NSCL to explore the fundamental forces that hold a nucleus together. Some researchers work to further our understanding of the Nuclear Equation of State (Wolfgang Bauer, Betty Tsang) and its isospin dependence (/ourlab/directory/profile/westfall). One way to get to the heart of nuclear matter is to smash it together to see what happens in nuclear collisions (Bill Lynch). Another way is to excite what is called giant resonances for systems far from stability (Remco Zegers, Wolfgang Mittig). In addition, theoretical work includes energy-density functional that are being used to predict and understand the equation of state and its isospin depedence (Scott Bogner, Alex Brown, Pawel Danielwicz), effective field theory and density functional theory (Scott Bogner), and many body theory of how nucleons interact (Filomena Nunes).
The Harvard Department of Physics offers students innovative educational and research opportunities with renowned faculty in state-of-the-art facilities, exploring fundamental problems involving physics at all scales. Our primary areas of experimental and theoretical research are atomic and molecular physics, astrophysics and cosmology, biophysics, chemical physics, computational physics, condensed-matter physics, materials science, mathematical physics, particle physics, quantum optics, quantum field theory, quantum information, string theory, and relativity.
Experimental high energy astrophysics is the study of some of nature's most exotic creations, and their application to exploring fundamental physics. My research is focused on developing and flying new gamma-ray telescopes to probe these environments from space. My primary interest is the detailed measurement of radioactive nuclei produced in the inner regions of a supernova explosion. Through their conversion of gravitational energy to nuclear energy, supernovae are the dominant engines of evolution in the Universe - controlling the production of the elements making up the world around us, the internal structure of galaxies, and the acceleration of cosmic rays. The radioactive nuclei produced in these explosions emit gamma-rays of characteristic energies for each isotope. These photons serve as sensitive probes of the detailed nuclear physics in the extreme conditions at the heart of a supernova, conditions far from the laboratory environment. These nuclei also allow us to discover and study the active sites of nucleosynthesis in our Galaxy.
Gamma-ray astrophysics also touches many fields of fundamental physics, including the study of dark matter, quantum gravity, and cosmology, as well as studying matter in nature's most exotic environments. We can't see a black hole by definition, but high energy particles - accelerated by the deep gravitational well - emit gamma-rays before disappearing over the event horizon. These photons directly reflect the complex physics of particle interactions in highly-curved spacetime. Neutron stars are the ultimate balancing act between modern and classical physics, with the baryon degeneracy pressure precariously halting the collapse of the star to a black hole. The study of gamma-ray emission from the surface of these objects allows us to probe the nuclear equation of state in extremely general-relativistic conditions.
The first showroom is an introduction to the concepts of the infinitely small and the infinitely large through increasing enlargements, starting from the smallest particles at the heart of atoms up to the frontiers of the Universe.In the second showroom, exhibits, videos and interactive games aim to reveal how particle accelerators function as well as the experimental techniques applied by scientists to explore the heart of matter and its fundamental constituents. At the end of the room, thanks to 3D-projection, visitors can virtually enter into an accelerator to observe what happens inside and how scientists can observe the behavior of elementary particles.The third showroom is dedicated to the connection between the studies on the infinitely small world and the critical phenomena occurring in the Universe, to finally understand the origin of everything. Exhibits and short videos show how a deeper knowledge of the structure of matter helps us understand the Universe.The fourth and last showroom is dedicated to some of the numerous technologies which have been developed for basic research and have been applied in apparently distant fields, from medical applications to heritage preservation.
By answering a long-standing astrophysics question - How big is a neutron star - NICER will confront nuclear physics theory with unique measurements, exploring the exotic states of matter within neutron stars through rotation-resolved X-ray spectroscopy. The capabilities that NICER brings to this investigation are unique: simultaneous fast timing and spectroscopy, with low background and high throughput. NICER will also provide continuity in X-ray-timing astrophysics more broadly, post-Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer, through a Guest Observer program. Finally, in addition to its science goals, NICER will enable the first space demonstration of pulsar-based navigation of spacecraft, through the Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology (SEXTANT) enhancement to the mission, funded by the NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate's Game-Changing Development program.
Nuclear science is a broad and diverse subject.From the hot dense soup of quarks and gluons after the Big Bang, up to theformation of protons and neutrons that started the evolution of thecosmic chemistry, the physics of nuclei is crucial for our understandingthe universe. At the same time, it is intertwined in the fabric ofour lives, from applications in industry, medicine, space andadvanced material science, to complicated nonproliferation issues andnational security.Nuclear Physics explores the strange world of the heart of matter, andaddresses overarching questions that also reach out to other areas ofscience, and define nuclear physics today.I will give examples of inspiring questions and methods, both from thetheoretical and the applied viewpoints.
This disparity in the enormous amount of matter compared with antimatter in the universe is currently one of the biggest problems faced by physicists. The direct confirmation that 0νββ-decay can occur would, therefore, be a big deal for particle physics, nuclear physics and cosmology; potentially giving researchers the tools they need to re-draw the Standard Model to more accurately describe the fundamental constants of the universe.
Francesco, C., Clementina, A., 2019, \"NUMEN Project:Exploring key aspects of neutrinoless double beta decay by nuclear reactions\", Research OUTREACH (107). Available at: -sciences/numen-project-exploring-key-aspects-of-neutrinoless-double-beta-decay-by-nuclear-reactions/ (Accessed YYYY/MM/DD)
One of the most commonly performed nuclear medicine exams is a heart scan. Myocardial perfusion scans and radionuclide angiography scans are the 2 primary heart scans. In order to give an example of how nuclear medicine scans are done, the process for a resting radionuclide angiogram (RNA) scan is presented below.
Cushman explains that over the next ten years, SuperCDMS aims to become so sensitive that it can even detect neutrinos, electrically neutral particles with almost incomprehensibly small masses that are formed by radioactive decay, such as nuclear reactions within the sun. At that point, the experiment will encounter unprecedented challenges in blocking out background signals, as the neutrinos will resemble dark matter particles more than any other type of interference.
With ADMX rapidly exploring one axion mass after the next, and SuperCDMS and LZ gearing up for a new era of research searching for WIMPs, an unsettling question lingers in the air. What if, after all the years and millions of dollars, a signal never comes What if the only result is finding out that a dark matter particle does not exist where we thought it would
Three different quantum field theories deal with three of the four fundamental forces by which matter interacts: electromagnetism, which explains how atoms hold together; the strong nuclear force, which explains the stability of the nucleus at the heart of the atom; and the weak nuclear force, which explains why some atoms undergo radioactive decay. 59ce067264