Serial Key Pcclone Ex Litel
The SIL and similar series are very similar to the TL, but feature a reduced maximum memory capacity of 128 KB for a total of 640 KB. Like the SL and TL, the SIL also has a screen with 640 × 200 graphics modes and a Hercules-compatible graphics card expansion card slot, but in contrast to the SL/TL, this card may not be installed in the first floppy disk drive instead of the internal adapter; it is more likely to be installed in the floppy disk adapter slot (which has the same pinout and is electrically similar to the 1.44 MB adapter slot).
The EX series (TEC 204, 204 RTX, 204 RTXT) was similar in operations to the 400XL, except that it used the more advanced Intel-compatible 8042 EPROM, and an EX-AST bus motherboard (allowing for higher memory capacities). These systems feature a 3.5 floppy drive bay, two internal 7.5 mm audio jacks, dual internal 4-way speaker connectors, and a standard 5.25 mm Floppy drive with a C-180 adapter as well as two EPROM sockets. The BIOS ROM contains all of the common modes (640 × 200, 640 × 192, 640 × 160 640 × 152 and 640 × 134), and 512 KB of additional main memory. The processors include a Cyrix 6x86 and a Cyrix Plus3 SDSC. Other features include fairly complete memory expansion capabilities, an optional EPROM loader, and video for either VGA or Hercules Graphics Card videocards (which includes the Hercules Card features such as an RS-232C serial port). It can be configured to use a TekRAM disk drive for an extended memory capacity of 1 MB. It can also be updateable by a Tandy PLUS card which will allow the user to have an expansion of up to another 1 MB of memory.
The XT is a compact Tandy 1000 computer intended for transportation and portability. The XT is smaller and lighter than its SX and TX successors, and unlike the SX and TX, sports a 5.25" internal floppy drive and console port.
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